About Pike Place Market Insider

Pike Place Market Insider is your go-to source for everything Pike Place Market, straight from a Seattle local. Our mission is to help you explore all the market has to offer, from hidden gems to the most beloved stalls, ensuring you make the most of every visit.

What Is Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market is a public market overlooking the Elliott Bay waterfront in Seattle, Washington. Founded in 1907, it is one of the oldest continuously operated public farmers' markets in the United States.

The market is famous for its unique culture and vibrant atmosphere. It's a bustling hub of activity, known for its wide array of fresh produce, seafood, specialty foods, and independent businesses. It’s also home to craft stalls, antique dealers, small family-owned restaurants, and a diverse collection of small businesses.

humble beginnings

In 1907, Pike Place Market was born out of a revolution against high food prices, establishing a direct and fair marketplace for local farmers and Seattle's consumers.

In 1907, Pike Place Market was born out of a revolution against high food prices, establishing a direct and fair marketplace for local farmers and Seattle's consumers.

Pike Place Market holds a storied place in the heart of Seattle, woven deeply into its urban fabric since its inception in 1907. It was established as a response to rising food prices, creating a direct line between consumers and producers by allowing farmers to sell their goods directly to the public.

The story of its founding begins with consumers who were frustrated by the high prices charged by middlemen and shopkeepers. Meanwhile, farmers were equally unhappy, feeling they were being paid unfairly low prices for their produce by these same intermediaries. This direct sales approach was an immediate success, drawing huge crowds on its first day, and it quickly became a vital part of the city's economy.

The idea for the market originated as a public marketplace where farmers could sell directly to consumers, eliminating the middlemen and hopefully reducing prices while increasing profits for the farmers themselves. His vision was to create a "farmers' market" where the exchange between producer and consumer could be more equitable.

The city provided space along Pike Place, a cobblestone street overlooking Elliott Bay. On August 17, 1907, the market opened with eight farmers bringing their wagons loaded with produce. The response was overwhelming, with the farmers' stocks selling out quickly to a crowd of eager customers. This immediate success solidified the market's place in the community, and it rapidly grew from there.

What makes Pike Place Market so special is not only its rich history but its continued commitment to serving the community. The market today features a diverse array of over 500 shops, restaurants, and vendor stalls. It operates as a historic district with guidelines ensuring that it retains its original character. Part of its charm lies in its eclectic mix of old and new, where visitors can explore hidden alleys and multilevel buildings, finding everything from the freshest local produce and seafood to artisan crafts and antiques.

Moreover, Pike Place Market is known for its social services, including housing for low-income elderly residents, a food bank, and medical clinics. It stands out as an example of how urban spaces can serve multiple community needs beyond commerce. The market's blend of history, vibrant culture, and community focus makes it an enduring symbol of Seattle's spirit and a beloved destination for both locals and tourists alike.

My Favorite Places to Eat at Pike Place Market (Coming Soon!)

Coming Soon

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Hey! I'm Elizabeth.

Here I share insider tips and secrets that only a local would know. My mission is to help you explore all that the market has to offer, from hidden gems to the most celebrated stalls, ensuring you make the most of every visit.

I’ve spent countless hours exploring every corner to bring you the most authentic and enjoyable recommendations. Pike Place Market is not just a market—it’s a vibrant community of artisans, chefs, and small business owners, each with a unique story to tell. Through Pike Place Market Insider, I aim to share these stories and connect you with the rich culture and history of this iconic Seattle landmark.